How much does it cost to cancel a flight from Pegasus?

You want to cancel your flight. According to the airline, if you cancel your flight after 24 hours of the flight reservation, you need to pay the Pegasus cancellation charges, which depend on your ticket. For an international flight, you must pay the charges ranging from $35 to $65. For domestic flights, the cancellation charge starts from $ 20 to $100. For other details about the cancellation charges, please get in touch with the airline's customer support or check out the details on the airline's official website. 

Get familiar with Pegasus cancellation policy.

You want to cancel your flight. You can do it. You must read the airline cancellation policy carefully when you cancel a flight. Here are the details-

  • According to the Pegasus cancellation policy, you can cancel your flight within 24 hours of the reservation, whether domestic or international, and you can cancel your flight free of cost. 
  • The airline allows the passenger to cancel their refundable or non-refundable flight ticket, but they must provide valid proof to the airline representative. 
  • Sometimes, the airline cancels your flight due to bad weather, a delayed flight, or a technical issue in the aircraft; you don’t need to pay any charges, and you will get a new flight at the same amount. 
  • You can cancel your flight and pay the charges using promotional vouchers or coupons. 
  • Suppose you have joined the airline loyalty program and want to cancel your flight. You can do it free of cost. 

How to Cancel the Pegasus Flight? 

There are various situations where we need to cancel the flight. If you want to cancel your flight ticket, use the manage booking, customer support, or the airport option. These are the methods to cancel the flight. These are the simplest methods to cancel the flight, and you can use any of the methods and get the details on your official data quickly. Here are the details to cancel the flight-

Use the manage booking option-

A passenger wants to cancel their flight, searching for the simplest and the easiest way to cancel it. To cancel the flight, they can opt for the online option. It is the simplest option for canceling the flight. Here are the details to cancel the flight through the online option-

  1. Open the web page of Pegasus Airlines. 
  2. Set your cursor and click on the manage booking option. 
  3. Enter your reservation details and the other required details. Click on the log-in option. 
  4. Choose the cancel option and select the booking that you want to cancel. 
  5. Enter the valid reason for the cancellation and click on the cancel option. 
  6. You must pay the cancellation charge if you cancel the flight after 24 hours. 
  7. To pay the cancellation charge, use the mentioned methods and click the submit option. 
  8. Get the details with the airline representative on your registered officials quickly. 

Connect with the Customer Support-

Do you want to cancel your flight? If yes, you can connect with the airline's customer support on the phone call option, and you will get the details from the representative quickly. To connect with the airline representative, you need to follow the given details carefully-

  1. To speak with the airline representative, please use this phone number- 0888 228 12 12.
  2. Listen to the call instructions and press the command according to the query. 
  3. Get connected with the airline representative and ask them to cancel your flight. 
  4. Provide a valid reason to cancel the flight. 
  5. Acquire all the details with the airline representative on your registered official email address and the text on the contact number instantly.

Visit the airport-

A traveler wants to cancel their flight, but the airline representative is not responding to the call. In that case, travelers can easily visit the airport and cancel their flights. To cancel the flight at the airport, they need to follow the given details carefully-

  • Go to the airport. 
  • At the airport, you need to visit the help center. 
  • At the help center, you need to ask the representative to cancel the flight. 
  • The representative will cancel your flight, but you need to provide a valid reason to cancel the flight. 
  • If you cancel your flight after 24 hours of the flight reservation, you must pay the penalty charges. 
  • You can use net banking, debit or credit card, or online apps to pay the penalty charges.
  • Obtain the confirmation with the airport representative on your registered credentials instantly.

Does Pegasus refund for canceled flights? 

Yes, the airline refunds for canceled flights. To acquire the details about the Pegasus refund for canceled flights, you can speak with the airline customer support or check out the accurate information on the airline's official website. 

How long does it take to provide a refund at Pegasus Airlines? 

Suppose you have applied for a refund and want to know how long it takes to return the amount. The airline will give you a refund according to your payment process. Here are the details-

  • If you pay through the online method or debit or credit card, you will receive a refund from the airline within 7-10 working days. 
  • Suppose you create the payment through cash or cheque; you will receive a refund from the airline within 10-20 business working days. 
  • If your case is complicated, you will receive a refund within a month.


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